EASTOP ARCHITECTS learns and works on the land of the Wurundjeri People.
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians as the first place makers on this land.
We pay our respect to their care and knowledge of this special country and culture.
Located on the periphery of the city’s grid, the new museum merges the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum to form a new architectural icon within the cityscape.
‘Rubble’ is a contextual proposal, exploring the potential of concrete excess, re-use and recycling in response to the country’s keen awareness of construction-generated waste. A void form wrapped in a rubble breeze wall façade creates layered space, varying atmospheres and apertures between spaces.
The four-level proposal navigates the logistic requirements of the gallery, office and workshop spaces, with the mixed public purpose of a museum, education and event spaces. The ground plane forms a continuation of the waterfront externally, tying into the city’s circulation. The building’s interior spaces spiral around the central void, creating a fluid transition between spaces and levels.
‘Rubble’ seeks to encourage the public to explore the opportunities that re-use can have, not just in the building, but it’s materials and components as well. Creating something from excess, that when considered, can result in a positive and refined outcome from what would have originally been discarded.